Personal Loans | GA Lending Services

Personal Loans

Our personal loans are tailored to take you where you want to be. Whether it’s money for a renovation, a holiday or for consolidating debt, let us put you at the helm of your financial freedom.

Honest advice and genuine solutions

We prepare and manage your application from start to finish, ensuring you have the best chance of approval with competitive rates and suitable terms and conditions. We offer Personal loans from $5,000 to $50,000 with the most competitive rates in the market.

Debt consolidation including tax debts

Getting into debt can happen all too easily and it can happen to anyone, from any walk of life. When debt spirals out of control, it can be hard to manage on your own.

Green Associates is here to help. We will help you find the most suitable solution to any financial issue.

Having multiple debts can be stressful. Why not roll them into one so you only have to deal with one interest rate and one repayment schedule. Refinancing high-cost credit like credit cards and store cards can help you break free from the debt spiral.

Offering a range of debt solutions to suit different circumstances, we tailor our advice to help you decide how to best manage your debts. We offer a friendly and professional service from trained advisers with a commitment to ‘keeping it simple’ where we can. We have a great track record of helping people consolidate their debts which gives you extra peace of mind that you’ll get honest, professional advice and personalised service.

Home improvements and household furniture

Federal, state, and local government incentive programs for home extensions and remodelling are aimed at helping homeowners improve the value of their homes, which in turn supports the economy and helps strengthen communities. These are official programs that provide tax relief, low-interest loans, and other incentives, but they can be confusing to dissect. Let us help you navigate your way through the maze of incentives and secure you a competitive interest rate, well within your budget.

Car finance and other recreational vehicles

In this current economic climate, there is a seemingly endless supply of competitive deals in the market. Car manufacturers and dealerships are desperate to offload new and used vehicles and, with the border lockdowns and travel restrictions around the country, what better way to get out and about than in a new car or recreational vehicle. Wheels or no wheels, Green Associates can help you secure your vehicle of choice.

Holidays, weddings and other lifestyle events

We all have that one friend or relative who thinks it would be lovely to have a destination wedding. If you’re struggling to get the funds together to ship you and your family to the auspicious occasion, talk to us – we can help. We’ll look at your financial position and advise the best option to get you there. Dreaming of a holiday – aren’t we all! We’ll present you with all your finance options to transport you to any destination.

Medical expenses (dentist, etc.)

Just like your hot water system blowing up in the middle of winter, medical expenses can present themselves without any time to financially prepare. When an urgent matter requires immediate attention, let us work out the most suitable finance solution to get you back on your feet and out of hot water.

Education expenses

Let’s face it – learning can be costly. If you’re struggling to consolidate your learning expenses or student debt, we can tailor a repayment plan to clear your debt sooner.

Gap finance

Gap Financing is a term mostly associated with mortgage loans or property loans such as a bridge loan. If you are in between projects and need a little push to get you over the line, we can calculate the most cost-effective solution for your needs.

Securing a personal loan with with GA Lending Services

Want to talk about your needs? Get in touch today, and let’s work it out together.