Divorce and Separation Loans | GA Lending Services

Divorce and Separation Finances

Separating from someone you share years of history and assets with can be upsetting. The last thing on your mind is probably going to be dividing those assets and debt, which is where we can help.

Where to start

It can start with the small things, like closing joint bank accounts and opening your own individual one. We’ll help with minute details such as making sure your pay goes into this new account, too.

Our advisers can guide you through a financial stocktake of your assets and work out if you have any joint debts – like a rental agreement – so you can make sure you don’t pay for any arrears or damage caused by your former partner.

Your next steps with GA Lending Services

Your income and expenses are likely to change, so it’s a good idea to revise or create a budget for yourself. Green Associates can help you manage your finances in a post-relationship world. Contact us to get started today.

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